五金工具盒 、五金工具 、五金工具 等
上饶市澳朗工贸有限公司成立于2005年,是一家集生产,销售,贸易于一体的塑料五金工具公司,采用国际工艺和技术,拥有的生产设备,得到了国内外客户的一致肯定,各类产品主要销往欧美,东南亚,中东一些国家和地区,品种齐全.公司坐落于江西省上饶市沪昆高速出口处.占有优异的地理位置.公司本着/研发创新,合作共赢/的经营理念,以高端的品质,合理的价格为发展方式,热忱欢迎国内外客商来厂来电洽谈订购. ourlong(shangrao) was built in 2005, which is a production, sales and trade plastic & hardware company. we absorb foreign advanced technology and the production equipment which already got the recognise of the customer from home and abroad. our great variety goods maily sold to western , southeast asia and the countries in middle east . our excellent geographical location is in the exit of shanghai kunming expressway in shangrao city, jiangzi province. / research and innovation, cooperation and win-win/ is our operation principle, the advanced quality and reasonable price is our development pattern. we heartly welcome your coultant, visit and cooperation.